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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Globalization- Fashion industry

Globalization-the growing integration and interaction of societies around the world- has been one of the hotly debated issues over the past years and it has significantly effected all aspects of our life. The good illustration of this, narratively can be seen from fashion industry. A group of teenagers wearing Nike T-shirts are playing over the school yards in a school of London, far away in Tokyo, a men with a magazine which is full of sports brands including Nike, is walking through the shopping mall looking around the same Nike T-shirts . Globalization has made it possible to promote newest style to the whole world at same time and more surprisingly supply products successfully which required from consumers. Therefore, great share of fortune is throughout the world after globalization. However, globalization also resulted fast production of fashion as well as 'fast-fashion' so called disposable fashion in developed countries that lead to increased pollution of environmant. This essay proposes addressing the question of how does globalization effect fashion industry by analysing the benefits of globalization and the result of pollution which fashion industry produced after globalization.

Globalization has brought significant changes, furthermore, great opportunities to fashion industry. In early Victorian era(1837-1860), fashion trend slightly changes yearly only among nations(Pauline, W,T. 2008). However, it has reported that nowadays, fashion trend have brought new styles weekly as generally people would spend more money on it to follow its cycle(Anke, J. 2008). It has not only brought comfort and convenient to consumer but also brought prosperous opportunities to the world market. International trade in garments reached 276 billion dolars in 2005, and this figure is about 2.7 percent of the world's merchandise trade (Plunkett research. 2007).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Vocab of fashion

Garment : an article of clothing
e.g : She disguised her true sex under a man's garment
Apparel:clothing in general, provide with clothes or put clothes on
e.g : His house is tastefully appareled
A fabric or an article of apparel made from such silk
Respire :breathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety
Utter: articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise
express, verbalize, verbalise, give tongue to
express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words)
emit, let out, let loose
express in speech
talk, speak, mouth, verbalize, verbalise
equivalent : e.g :He changed his pounds for the equivalent amount in dollars

Hub : a center of activity or interest or commerce or transportation; a focal point around which events revolve
clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
synominon:accessory, accouterment

Monday, September 1, 2008


There are many language families in the world, which generally can be seen from Sino-tibetan languages and germanic languages. The Germanic languages are the languages which are used in mostly European countries, such as English, German, Dutch and Swedish. The Sino- tibetan languages are normally used in East Asia, for instance, Chinese, Tibetan, Thai, and Burmese.

Writing is the method of human intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks. The good illustrations of the writing systems are mainly ideographic and phonetic. The ideographic simply presents meaning by one graphic symbol, and phonetic presents the meaning by its sounds.

Nowadays, learning another languages are a hot issue in educational and business aspect in our life. There are many advantages of learning foreign languages, for example, it helps understanding of another culture, understanding of other attitudes and enables us to understand information in another languages.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Introduction 2

To what extant globalization is beneficial to fashion industry.

The most charged issue of the day is globalization, which is a process of interaction and integration of different people from different places which started hundreds of years ago. Due to less interactions and communications between countries, the fashion cycle was very slow that it changes yearly in early Victorian era (1837-1860) (Pauline, W, T. 2008). Surprisingly, if we turn to now, fashion cycle is changing weekly as generally people would have doubt that where it can be produced such effectively (Anke, j, 2008). According to the development of interaction andcommunication by globalization in recent years, fre trade resulted successful business to smart business man and it speeded up the process of fashion. Therefore, the fashion industry is unprecedentedly prosperous and also produces wondrous comfort and convenience to people's life. How ever, are there benefits shared by everyone under the global effects of this world? This eassy will address the question of 'Is globalization is beneficial to fashion industry?' by analyzing how the process of fashion is done and how the benefit is taken by MEDCs (moe economically developed countries).

Great share of wealth is throughout the world after globalization. It provides cheaper materials from LEDCs(lower economically developed country) to companies and leads to have petter qualities on clothing though the communications between companies.

Even higher employment is created for people in LEDCs. However, People in LEDCs wor long hours for low wages.

However, because of relocation of multinational companies in LEDCs if the labor cost gets high, less choice is provided for LEDCs to increase their income.

Not only LEDCs have negative impact on fashion industry but also in MEDC, such as many closed clothing factories appears due to the competition with cheaper imports from LEDCs.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Introductin 1

To what extent globalization is beneficial to fashion industry!

Hundreads years ago, there were not much interactions and integrations among different nations and governments. Aside of this, the wave of lifestyle-change was slower than nowadays which have a prompt process on entertainment, busisness and politics. these process have assisted fashion industry to become unprecedentedly prosperous. it is generally agreed that globalization have brought significant changes to fashion industry, such as comfortable clothing, trendy stuling, and reasonable prices. How ever , it has also been controversial along with its changes, which has rising dispute about widened gap between poor and rich countries turnover of fashion manufactures and lost original cultures of clothing. This essay will address the question of is globalization beneficial to fashion industry by analyzing the impact of global environment to fashion industry and discus how fashion business and tread are made for rich countries.

  • People in LEDs work long hours for low wages
  • Employment is created for people in LEDs
  • There is a greater share of wealth throughout the world
  • MEDCs can buy cheap raw materials from LEDs
  • Multinational companies relocate their factories if labour costs get too high
  • Many clothes factories in MEDCs have closed down due to comptition with cheaper improtant form LEDCs
  • Actions and events in MEDCs can affect lives in LEDCs
LEDC: less economically developed countries
MEDC: More economically developed countries

Useful information

Tehran’s fashion week began in 2006 and features modestly dressed women in brightly colored and print hijabs, jilbabs, abayas, and other traditional Islamic outfits. 1 Sixty designers were featured in India’s 2006 New Delhi Fashion Week, attracting 160 buyers (of which 70 were international) and bringing in $50 million dollars in revenue.2 Fashion Weeks offer opportunities to highlight national and international designers and to attract media attention and tourist dollars. The proliferation(a rapid increase in number) of fashion weeks around the world is only one aspect of the globalization of fashion.

The fashion industry faces many of the same challenges as other industries, such as outsourcing, intellectual property and piracy, environmental challenges, and the loss of local styles/goods.